Thoughts on a Snow Day

wintry, snow, firs-2993370.jpg

When you hear that there will be a snow day what do you think and feel? Are you like a child who hears those words and celebrates? Are you more like a grumpy New Englander complaining about all the muck and mess? For those who live in safe homes, a snow day can be an invitation to rest, to nurture the self, and to notice the beautiful. How we respond to a snow day is all about our perspective. How will we frame it? How will we view it? In sessions, I’m often talking to my clients about the “glasses they’re using.” We talk about how they can choose how they will view something no matter what that something is. We don’t always get to decide what happens in our lives, but we do always get to decide how we will see it and what we will do with it. How would your life shift if you chose to look at each day as an opportunity to live, to love or to grow?